International Women’s Day: Celebrating Our Lash-y Sisters - Flicker Cosmetics

International Women’s Day: Celebrating Our Lash-y Sisters

International Women’s Day is a special day to celebrate the power of sisterhood and to appreciate the amazing accomplishments of women around the world. Here at Flicker Cosmetics, we believe that every day should be International Women’s Day! We strive to create a safe, supportive community for all our lash-loving ladies. 

“The IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme seeks to get the world talking about why "equal opportunities are no longer enough" - and can in fact be exclusionary, rather than inclusive.” – quote taken from 

This International Women's Day - Let’s take some time out of our busy lives to honor the incredible women who have made our world a better place.

The Power of Collaboration 

Women are strong together! Through collaboration, we can build stronger communities and support each other in reaching our dreams. This starts with encouraging one another and building relationships. Whether you join an online community or meet up with like-minded people IRL, getting involved with other women is an important part of being successful in all areas of life. Together, we can make more powerful strides towards achieving our goals and inspiring others along the way.

At Flicker Cosmetics we believe that celebrating International Women's Day means more than just acknowledging this special day once a year - it means creating an environment where women feel empowered and inspired every single day! We hope that this post has encouraged you to reach out to fellow women and find ways to collaborate, grow, and learn from each other so that together we can make our mark on the world!

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